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hiker reading map with mountains as background and caption Getting To 1 + 1 = 3

EiroBridge uses mediation as a path to (re)connection and reconciliation in work and workplaces. We are often asked "what does that really mean or look like, on a practical level?" It's a good question, especially since "reconciliation" is not a term that's used all that often in today's work world, and it's one that can be a loaded term depending on individual backgrounds and experiences. However, the phrase does capture what we are chasing, and the easiest way to explain the idea of "work and workplace reconciliation" is to break it down into a few related questions.

What is "reconciliation"? Though there are different definitions used in different contexts, reconciliation is most universally and fundamentally the process of reconnecting whatever has been disconnected.

What is "work and workplace reconciliation"? "Work and workplace reconciliation" is simply the (re)connection of any type of disconnection involving your work or your workplace.

What type of (re)connection are you talking about? What's disconnected in your workplace or your work and causing distraction, loss, or pain right now? That's the type of (re)connection we have in mind.

How is that (re)connection achieved? The answer to this question depends in large part on the LAUGHing we do together. The "how" is often based on the "what," "who," "why" that we process as part of LAUGHing. However, it always involves supporting all of the individuals involved in the dispute, with a focus on Self Determination, so that they may identify how they will move forward, both through that conflict and far beyond.

Why reconcile work and workplaces? No matter how hard you try, if there's disconnection in your work or workplace, chances are it's taking your focus and other resources away from your actual work, at best, and spilling far beyond there, depending on the severity and nature of the disconnect.

But, you tell us: How is the disconnect or conflict impacting your past and present work and workplace? How is the work-related disconnect or conflict impacting your past and present family and social life? What would it mean to have that disconnect bridged, presently and in the future, in those areas of your life? What impact would it have had in those different areas of your life if you resolved the work-related disconnect years ago?

Your own answers to those and similar questions is your own answer to the important question "why reconcile?".

For us, the answer comes back to our own "why." We have experienced, time and time again, the reality that reconciliation releases potential in the workplace and far beyond, so that you can grow sustainable work and workplaces. Through work and workplace reconciliation, 1+1 does really equal 3 (or more!).

mountain views with hiking trail